By using Indian states app, one can search Zone, Vehicle code, Tourist places, Districts, Sub-districts, Statehood, Sex ratio, Road transport corporation, number of constituencies in Rajya sabha, in Lok sabha, and in Assembly, Population, Official languages, Additional official languages, Latitude, Longitude, Literacy rate, Crime rate, Largest city, ISO code, high court, Coastal length, Capital city, Arear in SqKm and Wild life sanctuaries can be searched and sorted among states and Union territories.Administrative divisions of India, Defence commands, information about origin and impact of different religions in India, Indian currency, List of all Indian Presidents and Prime ministers are available.One can view state or union territory on Map and can be searched in the map. Additionally, Airports, different types of power plants, ports, rivers can also be viewed. All states and union territory names are available in their official languages too. Different constitutional and non-constitutional bodies in India are also available.